How A Retail Professional Moved Into A Higher Level Role and Got A $10k increase

Candace Berry

Not all professions scream “Hire A Resume Writer!”

Like, a chef.

Or, a mechanic.

Or, a retail sales consultant.

Splashing some cash on a Word document doesn’t exactly sound like a smart move, does it?

No Way

Pfft. I’m about to prove that all wrong. Let me introduce you to Candace Berry.

She approached me after a move from Perth to Melbourne where she was tired of being a sales consultant and wanted to transition into a management position.

At that point, Candace didn’t have a resume strategy. Actually, she didn’t have a job search plan either.

With career growth on her mind, Candace set off to conquer her job search and land her next position.

Her roadmap: the Moving Forward package, complete with a shiny brand-new resume and cover letter specifically for assistant retail management positions.

So what happened to turn things around?

Retail jobs and resume writing services may not sound like they were made for one another, but Candace is proof that all it takes is the right strategies.

  • She committed to a profession: Candace knew having a solid brand would be important and her resume needed to be defined by her goal. So, she committed to running a job search that was laser focussed on management within retail. Specifically fashion.
  • She got keyword savvy: yes, I helped with the initial keywords for her project, but Candace learned to read job ads correctly and started editing her document to help mirror her closer to the job on offer.
  • She focussed on strategic applications: strategy is the name of the game in job searching. It takes so much more than clicking ‘submit’. Candace figured this out pretty quick. She stopped applying for every retail job she saw and started selecting ones that really met her skills and goals.
  • She leveraged her cover letter to show off her personality:cover letters are a gold mine of opportunity to connect with future employers. She included a carefully crafted cover letter and used her personality to explain ‘why’ she wanted to work for that company.

What was the end result?

Candace Berry
Candace Berry@Candaceberry
Not only did I get the Assistant Manager job with a well known fashion brand, but I also got a $10k increase on my current salary. I will definitely recommend others to your service. Thanks again! 👊.
  • Before-Candace Resume
    After-Candace Resume
    Before Candace Resume After
Resume Template

Want your resume to perform like this?

Follow Candace’s lead and get your hands on my Moving Forward package which has helped hundreds of professionals in all kinds of different industries land their next role.

Not ready yet? Sign up for my *FREE* resume template instead.

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