Are you confident in your abilities to sell yourself on paper? Do you know what information should go into your resume? Do you know the right keywords to use?
In order to write a resume that is going to get you interviews you have to have three key ingredients: Knowledge, Desire and Time. If you lack any of these then consider hiring a resume writing service to do the task for you.
Many clients I write resumes for only hire a resume writer when they have been actively applying for positions over 6,12,18, 24 months and beyond unsuccessfully.
If you are gunning for a higher paid position, just take a moment to calculate how much money you have lost as a result of not having a result-orientated resume.
Your resume is your entry point and first impression with an organisation. It’s a marketing tool and is what stands between whether an employer will call you for an interview or put you in the “no” pile.
I Can Do It Myself!
If you are good with MS Word and can create a resume that focuses on your preferred position, a resume writing service may not be necessary.
If you want to get an idea if you have what it takes to get the job done then answer the following questions. A yes to 8 or more will see you on the right path:
- My resume is packed with industry-specific language and crucial keywords
- My resume emphasises and quantifies my achievements to show what I have done, and how well.
- My resume contains superior grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation
- My resume uses varied action verbs and powerful marketing phrases
- My resume emphasises how I will benefit employers and meet their precise needs
- My resume engages the reader from the outset and maintains interest throughout
- My resume clearly communicates my target job and strengths within the first few lines of text
- My resume uses easy on the eye design
- My resume communicates and targets my key transferable skills
- My resume minimizes my potential weaknesses and turns negative “red flags” into positive assets
- My resume uses the most effective format, style, and strategy for my particular situation
I’m Not Sure?
If you lack the ability to understand your achievements, how to structure your resume or craft one for your desired position, it might be worth considering using a resume writing service.
Many people enlist the help of resume writers, from entry-level job seekers, to high-level executives. Having come from Employment Services I was surprised at even the number of clients with disabilities that had used a resume writer. It is important to choose a writer that you trust and that suits your needs.
Common Resume Pitfalls
I’ve written and reviewed hundreds of resumes and a common thread among job seekers is that they are unsure of how to best present their strengths, downplay their weaknesses, and appeal to employer needs.
Common mistakes include:
- Omission of important information and/or strategic sections
- Inclusion of irrelevant (and/or ill-advised) details
- A shortage of keywords
- Failure to emphasise transferable skills
- Lack of a specific career focus, and
- An uninviting page design
Probably the biggest of all and, perhaps most critically, the majority of job seekers write “task-oriented” resumes vs. “achievement-based” resumes.
At The End of The Day It’s All About Results
One of the first things to identify with is the results your current job search is yielding. If your resume, cover letter and applications are getting you the results you want then that is all that matters.
Look at your conversion rate on receiving interviews based on the number of applications you sent.
If you’ve sent off 10 applications in a month, what percentage are turning into phone interviews 1%, 10%, 50% 75% etc? It is this number that will determine whether you are kicking goals or not and whether you need to make changes and enlist help.